Childhood Trauma
Childhood Trauma is pervasive. I bring you insights as an educator, a yoga-mindfulness-meditation instructor, a researcher, and someone who cares deeply about our children.
To help your school, your district, or your community bring healing to children, I am available to guide you with technical assistance, presentations, workshops, and consultations.
“While much of Chris’ work is national, it is effective because of her local connections and teams that deliver services to schools and districts. She understands how her work directly impacts students, teachers and administrators in their schools, and has supported scaling up this work stress from teaching.”
- Jillayne Flanders, Consultant Social Emotional Learning – Early Childhood Education – Educational Leadership
“Yoga has been essential to my survival. . . Yoga is just about the only piece of my life that I have carved out just for myself, the only reliable oasis I have from the noise in my mind and constant, unpredictable demands from both my job and my dad. I know it has been a big reason I stay sane and keep going.”
- Juliet Jones, Yoga Student, Oakton VA