
Nepal Yoga Festival 2024
Four Enthralling Days of Inner Harmony & Majestic Views
Taking place from Oct 16th-19th in the beautiful city of Pokhara (The city of Lakes), this festival promises a rich experience of yoga, meditation, workshops, cultural activities, and community connections.
Our festival offers a holistic experience beyond mere yoga and meditation. It delves deep into spirituality, emotional intelligence, eco-consciousness, and social awareness, blending Nepal’s ancient traditions with comprehensive wellness practices. Our rich program features global presenters and artists, creating a harmonious environment and offering diverse workshops for inner peace cultivation.
Dr. Mason will be a presenter!
More Than Just a Yoga Festival
Our participants will be able to engage with a vibrant global community, uniting people from different corners of the world who share a passion for wellness and cultural exploration. We are gathering like-minded individuals who are creating a unique learning, sharing, and growth atmosphere.
Additionally, attendees will have the opportunity to connect deeply with the rich culture of Nepal. Our festival is designed to showcase the beauty of Nepalese spiritual traditions and weave these cultural elements seamlessly into the event’s very essence. We hope our festival will be able to enrich the experience, allowing participants to gain a more profound appreciation and understanding of Nepal’s heritage and way of life.
Furthermore, the festival is not just a retreat for personal growth; it’s a platform for social impact. Proceeds from the festival are dedicated to local community initiatives, including support for orphanages, planting trees and other vital projects.

Balancing Head and Heart: Yoga in Schools with Dr. Christine Mason and Kahlil Kuykendall
11am-1pm ET, 9-11am MT
Children & Teachers need our help today more than ever facing the pressures of life and finding a way to get through school! Join author & activist Chris Mason, Ph.D. and Kahlil Kuykendall to explore the transformative power of yoga in schools.
This class is a chance to breathe, move, and meditate together with a focus on compassion and our hearts. Learn about Yoga in Schools, as you experience the sense of well-being that comes as we practice kundalini yoga together. An experiential session, Chris and Kahlil will also share how kundalini yoga teachers can help alleviate teacher stress – and bring yoga to students from Pre-K to High School. This session will include guidance for successfully collaborating with schools, furthering student engagement and interest, and building a sense of community and belonging as we make kundalini yoga accessible in secular settings.
Take a look at Dr. Mason’s book for bringing Kundalini Yoga to public schools: Cultivating Happiness & Wellbeing, through Meditation, Mindfulness & Movement.

Compassionate School Leadership Academy with Maria O’Connell
Annual Effective Educator Development Conference

Leading with Vitality and Hope Webinar
Leading with Vitality and Hope provides a practical resource for educators who want to move beyond the challenges schools are facing today. It both provides inspirational ideas from an impressive group of educational leaders and also practical ideas that you can take back to your local schools and communities for implementation. What is needed to move beyond the chaotic scenes we are continuing to face as schools reopen for in-person learning?
Register for the Leading with Vitality and Hope Webinar here.
Thursday, February 9th, 12 pm EDT
Register now. Pay $29.60 at a 20% discount and you will receive our book, Leading with Vitality and Hope: Embracing Equity, Alleviating Trauma, and Healing School Communities.
(The book is selling for $37.00)

Anxiety: Guidelines for School Counselors for Conducting Small Groups
Join Dr. Christine Mason as she guides us through exercises to increase our conscious awareness of anxiety, how it manifests in children, and what counselors can do to help students in group settings. For this presentation, Dr. Mason incorporates exercises from yoga, mindfulness, breathwork, and meditation, as well as the approach used with children’s mental health and ideas from her book, Compassionate School Practices: Fostering Children’s Mental Health and Well-Being. The session will also include guidelines from Paul Gilbert’s Compassion Focused Therapy and Rick Hanson’s Hardwiring Happiness.
During her two hours with us, Dr. Mason will provide practical pointers about developing your own mindfulness heart centered learning skills and also:
Establishing rapport and building trust
Differences in counseling approaches in small group and individual sessions – what to keep in mind as you lead sessions.
How what happens in the classroom sometimes activates anxiety and what can be done to lessen that adrenaline overload
How to work with anxiety in ways that help children to feel more calm, secure, and ready to learn
What to do if children are dysregulated
Working with students who are quiet, resistant to group sessions, or withdrawn
Considerations for primary, intermediate, and high school students
How to help children identify their anxiety and learn strategies to self-soothe
How to connect with students and build their coping and co-leadership skills
How counselors can guide classroom teachers so that strategies learned in small groups can be operationalized as needed in classrooms.
The session will end with a review of how to sequence what you do and expectations for what could be achieved in 6-8 weeks.
Event times are EDT.

eSummit: Yoga in Schools
This event is open to all and will be of particular interest to yoga and mindfulness instructors, classroom teachers, counselors, and staff. Register Here!
Globally, our young people face an unprecedented level of stressors in their lives. It is critical that schools and classrooms are spaces that support the mental health and well-being of our youth. Kundalini yoga and meditation provide low-cost, research-based tools that are being used in schools to promote stress reduction, emotional regulation, and increase self-esteem.
Join us for an interactive day of yoga, meditation, mindfulness, and presentations to learn how these practices are being implemented in Pre-Kindergarten through high school settings. The session is open to all and will be particularly of interest to yoga and mindfulness instructors, classroom teachers, counselors, and staff.
Learn about the program that Jeffrey Donald coordinates with 16 mindfulness specialists in a large school district in Maryland.
Learn about Y.O.G.A. for Youth and how that program is supporting children and youth in schools in the US and around the world.
Hear from Krishna Kaur about her journey and her vision for connecting with the hearts and minds of children.
The day begins with Dr. Christine Mason and Dharm Skotting Segal leading a session on Awakening Your Spirit. In that session Dr. Mason takes participants through warm-ups, breathwork. a yoga set, and a meditation as presented in her book, discussing how these can be implemented in school in conjunction with Heart Centered Learning ®. Dharm Skotting Segal will also provide practical pointers and lead participants in chanting, providing a powerful, peaceful backdrop for our day.
The lunch session includes a panel presentation – with both discussion and also demonstration of yoga sets, breathwork, and meditation.
The day ends with Eugene Fisher describing implementation of the Y.O.G.A. for Youth program at the Watts Learning Center in Los Angeles, Tim Mills (Simran Randeep) describing his work in the Boston area with young children and schools, and a video from Jana Kyriakou and Jana Puri on “The Resilient Preschools Project”,” which includes research on mindfulness-based practices in the Czech Republic and other European countries.
The session is a collaboration between 3HO and the Center for Educational Improvement and is built on a book co-published by the Kundalini Research Institute in 2021:Cultivating Happiness, Resilience, and Well-being through Meditation, Mindfulness, and Movement.
Event times are ET.

Teen-to-Teen Peer Support: A Compassionate Approach to Prevent Teen Suicides
2022 Annual Conference on Advancing School Mental Health With Dr. Martha Staeheli.
Event times are EDT.

Trauma, Self-Regulation and the Vagus Nerve Webinar
Join Dr. Christine Mason for 50 informative minutes on Trauma, Self-Regulation and the Vagus Nerve!
Dr. Mason will guide you through exercises to strengthen your mind-body response to complex trauma, including exercises to use in classrooms and therapy.
The exercises will help students who are struggling to self-regulate and are having difficulty paying attention and learning. Learn how to boost students’ learning, executive functioning, immune systems, and psychological health.
Bonus: Also during this session, Dr. Mason will review mind-body exercises from her book: Mindful School Communities!
Register by September 24 to be eligible for a drawing to receive one of Dr. Mason’s ebooks (Teen-to-Teen Peer Support for Suicide Prevention, Cultivating Resilience, or Psychological Safety for Schools)
Event times are EDT.

Implementing 5 Cs to Address Trauma Book Study Webinar
Join Dr. Christine Mason for a 50-minute overview of the 5C approach to alleviating trauma for students in PreK-12th grade.
About this event
Session #1 includes an overview of the Mindful School Communities book, an explanation of heart physiology and heart-mind consciousness, and a preview of exercises and how to set up communities for increased student engagement, caring, and well-being.
If you are interested in creating a school community to further connectedness and student belonging, this is the workshop for you!
The 5Cs can help improve student’s executive functioning, self-regulation, and social skills, leading to better resilience, coping skills, readiness to learn, and improved sense of well-being and academic achievement!
Based on evidenced-based practices, Dr. Mason will help participants modify suggestions from the book to adapt to various grade levels and circumstances.
If your school or district is interested in a discounted rate, contact Dr. Mason (chrismason@edimprovement.org) for discounts up to 40% off the publisher’s price.
Admission Charges: $5 and purchase of the Mindful School Communities book.
Event times are EDT.

Ready to Launch: Visioning, Vitality, and Victory at the Annual Conference of the National Association of Elementary School Principals in Louisville, KY
Visioning requires passionate, driven leaders to drive their teams to victory. Join us and our guest panelist, principal Tom Payton, to explore the keys to leadership vitality and wellness, the impact of a mindfulness mindset, and how exemplars are launching their school’s vision with success!
Event times are EDT.

Racism: Healing, Mind, Body, and Spirit
Join us for a local retreat with Elder Faison in Vienna, VA. Email chrismason@edimprovement.org to register by June 1, 2022.
Event times are EDT.

Supporting Adolescents in Crisis Webinar
Join Dr. Martha Staeheli, the School Mental Health Director with Yale University’s Mental Health Technology Transfer Center program, and Dr. Christine Mason, CEI Executive Director and Assistant Clinical Professor in the Department of Psychiatry at Yale, for a 60-minute discussion that will provide steps you can take to develop and implement a Teen Support Suicide Prevention program in your school or district.
For mental health providers, counselors, teachers, and others. This session will help you plan for summer supports and for implementing peer supports in the fall of 2022! Dr. Staeheli and Dr. Mason will be available this summer for additional follow-up sessions as we help you consider the ins and outs, precautions, how to work with your community, and how to use a strengths-based approach as you work with youth leaders!
Participants will receive a complimentary copy of CEI’s latest ebook: Teen-to-Teen Peer Supports: Guidelines for Peer Support for Suicide Prevention (Mason, Wenzel, & Staeheli, 2022).
Sign-up for the next session: Thursday, June 2, at 5 pm EDT.
Register by May 30 to receive a coupon for 20% off of Compassionate School Practices: Fostering Children’s Mental Health and Well-Being. (Regular price: $33.95)
Bonus: Register for this session and receive a 15-20 minute consultation to discuss suicide prevention and help you plan a peer support program with Dr. Staeheli or Dr. Mason. Offer valid through December 2022.

Listening Tours: Opinions on Education: Listening to Youth, Families, and Educators
In-person and virtual sessions focused on a dialogue of truth-telling, an accurate portrayal of American History, gender identity, inclusion, academic freedom, teacher rights and responsibilities, and the future of education.
Sessions begin in June 1, 2022. If you would like to learn more, help with promotions and recruitment, or register to participate, contact chrismason@edimprovement.org.
Event times are in EDT.

Teen-to-Teen Support for Suicide Prevention Webinar
Suicide is second leading cause of death for adolescents.
Join Dr. Martha Staeheli, the School Mental Health Director with Yale University’s Mental Health Technology Transfer Center program, and Dr. Christine Mason, CEI Executive Director, and Assistant Clinical Professor in the Department of Psychiatry at Yale, for a 60-minute discussion that will provide steps you can take to develop and implement a Teen Support Suicide Prevention program in your school or district.
Participants will receive a complimentary copy of CEI’s latest ebook: Teen-to-Teen Peer Supports: Guidelines for Peer Support for Suicide Prevention (Mason, Wenzel, & Staeheli, 2022).
Sign-up for one of two sessions:
Thursday, May 12, 10-11 am EDT
Wednesday, May 18, 7-8 pm EDT
Register by May 6 and receive a coupon for 20% off of Compassionate School Practices: Fostering Children’s Mental Health and Well-Being. (Regular price: $33.95)

School Staff Self-Care
CEI is offering self-care sessions for teachers, teacher assistants, counselors, psychologists, social workers, school administrators, yoga instructors, and mental health providers working in or with schools.
Please register by emailing info@edimprovement.org and identifying your choice(s):
5 yoga self-care classes, 7:15-8 am EDT Wednesdays, May 11 - June 29
5 yoga self-care classes, 45 minutes, preferred time: ________________
5 meditation classes, 30 minutes, preferred time: ______________________
The classes will support practices presented in our Cultivating Happiness, Resilience, and Well-Being through Meditation, Mindfulness, and Movement book and participants will be guided in techniques for self-care and introducing practices to students.
The yoga classes will include practice and explanation of the physiology and the value of breath work, warm-ups, yoga sets, relaxation, and meditation. The level of instruction will be gauged to the needs and backgrounds of participants.
The meditation classes will include strategies from several meditative traditions, including breathwork, mindfulness meditations, and guided visualizations.
Attend 5 sessions and receive a Certificate verifying your participation.
To register or receive a coupon and the zoom link to attend sessions, email info@edimprovement.org. Please include your name, position, and school or agency.
Register by May 11, and receive yoga and meditation classes at no charge.

Episode 3 : Cultivating Happiness, Resilience and Well-Being
Register at: Click Here
Co-author, Happiness, Resilience, and Wellbeing, and founder of Y.O.G.A. for youth
Join Christine Mason, Jeff Donald, Krishna Kaur, Michele Rivers Murphy, and Valerie Brown on three joy-filled, inspirational sessions as they explain how you can use yoga-mindfulness-meditation in schools to alleviate trauma, increase your own sense of happiness and well-being, and help children in such a multitude of ways. The neuroscience research is so very clear: these tools help us prepare for learning, even as they tune-up our bodies, our hearts, and our minds.

Episode 2 : Cultivating Happiness, Resilience and Well-Being
Register at: Click Here
Co-author, Happiness, Resilience, and Wellbeing, and founder of Y.O.G.A. for youth
Join Christine Mason, Jeff Donald, Krishna Kaur, Michele Rivers Murphy, and Valerie Brown on three joy-filled, inspirational sessions as they explain how you can use yoga-mindfulness-meditation in schools to alleviate trauma, increase your own sense of happiness and well-being, and help children in such a multitude of ways. The neuroscience research is so very clear: these tools help us prepare for learning, even as they tune-up our bodies, our hearts, and our minds.

Episode 1 : Cultivating Happiness, Resilience and Well-Being
Register at: Click Here
Co-author, Happiness, Resilience, and Wellbeing, and founder of Y.O.G.A. for youth
Join Christine Mason, Jeff Donald, Krishna Kaur, Michele Rivers Murphy, and Valerie Brown on three joy-filled, inspirational sessions as they explain how you can use yoga-mindfulness-meditation in schools to alleviate trauma, increase your own sense of happiness and well-being, and help children in such a multitude of ways. The neuroscience research is so very clear: these tools help us prepare for learning, even as they tune-up our bodies, our hearts, and our minds.

Ongoing Series: Cultivating Resilience: A Whole Community Approach for Alleviating Trauma in Schools
Dr. Mason co-hosts a podcast series with Jeff Ikler and Jesse Kohler that showcases thought leaders, mental health practitioners, and school leaders at all levels who are working to lessen the impact of trauma that students bring with them to school.
Event times are EDT.