CEI is offering self-care sessions for teachers, teacher assistants, counselors, psychologists, social workers, school administrators, yoga instructors, and mental health providers working in or with schools.
Please register by emailing info@edimprovement.org and identifying your choice(s):
5 yoga self-care classes, 7:15-8 am EDT Wednesdays, May 11 - June 29
5 yoga self-care classes, 45 minutes, preferred time: ________________
5 meditation classes, 30 minutes, preferred time: ______________________
The classes will support practices presented in our Cultivating Happiness, Resilience, and Well-Being through Meditation, Mindfulness, and Movement book and participants will be guided in techniques for self-care and introducing practices to students.
The yoga classes will include practice and explanation of the physiology and the value of breath work, warm-ups, yoga sets, relaxation, and meditation. The level of instruction will be gauged to the needs and backgrounds of participants.
The meditation classes will include strategies from several meditative traditions, including breathwork, mindfulness meditations, and guided visualizations.
Attend 5 sessions and receive a Certificate verifying your participation.
To register or receive a coupon and the zoom link to attend sessions, email info@edimprovement.org. Please include your name, position, and school or agency.
Register by May 11, and receive yoga and meditation classes at no charge.